Knife Shonen - Super Girl

Knife Shonen - Super Girl

Kicking up the bad guys
Beating up a monster
Fighting against evil
I rescue this town

Over the buildings
Over the mountains
Over the blue sky
Over the rainbow

You know I'm a super girl!
Yes, I'm a funky girl
I never say die
No one can stop me!

Flying at high speed
Having the courage
Getting over crisis
I rescue the people

Over the buildings
Over the mountains
Over the blue sky
Over the rainbow

You know I'm a super girl!
Yes, I'm a funky girl
I never say die
No one can stop me!

Cause I, like to FIGHT!

Kicking up the bad guys
Beating up a monster
Fighting against evil
I rescue this town

Flying at high speed
Pounding the car race
Getting over crisis
I rescue the people

You know I'm a super girl!
Yes, I'm a funky girl
I never say die
No one can stop me!

Cause I, like to FIGHT!

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