Kittie - Do You Think I’m A Whore

The Knife Is On The Table.
I Put Myself To Sleep.
All I Know Is All I Know.
Remember What You Sow Is What Reap!
Why Can't I Fucking Believe You?
This is Your words For Me.
A Little Sheltered Girl Is What I'll Always Be.
So Loving And Considerate.
Too Scared Of What I'll Be.
I Look Into The Mirror, The Whore Is All I See.
Like You. Like Me.
Diminished, Self important, i'll never see.
Like You. Like Me.
I Never Want To Be Like Me.
Do You Think I'm A Whore?
I'm A Whore [4x]
Why can't I Fucking Believe You?
This is Your Words For Me.
A Little Sheltered Girl Is What I'll Always Fucking Be.
So Loving And Considerate.
Too Scared Of What I'll Be.
I Look Into The Mirror, The Whore Is All I See.
Like You. Like Me.
I'll Never Cheat. I'm stubborn you see.
Like you. Want Me. Know Me. For Eternity.
I'm A Whore [8x]
Haha. Haha. I'm A...Whore.

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